Right now, I’m on the southern side of the Miyawaki forest at Puliyarakonam. We have never shot our videos here. There’s a special reason for doing it now. Yesterday we had very strong winds and rain here.  A jackfruit tree fell there, as you can see. Rot had set in at a certain point on its trunk, and the tree broke at that spot. But the trees in the Miyawaki forest here stand unaffected. The only one that has taken a beating is the castor oil plant. But that is not a strong tree. The rest of the trees are intact. This is my answer to your query as to what will happen to a Miyawaki forest when strong winds blow.

The number of fallen leaves indicates how powerful the wind was. Earlier this area was covered with acacia trees. We removed them to plant these trees. They are now more than two-and-a-half years old, and stand close to the house. This video is to show that no harm is done if you have a Miyawaki forest near a building. I don’t know the reason for it but I’m not surprised either because I imagine it is because they stand bunched together. It is said that the damage caused by stampedes, during calamities like fire outbreak or in the event of a lathi charge, can be avoided if people interlink their arms and break the run. Perhaps the same principle works here. When wind blows, the trees may sway violently but are held in place by one another, and don’t suffer much damage. This video was shot here today to show you that Miyawaki trees not only grow faster but are better equipped to withstand natural disasters as well.